What does self-care mean anyway and how do I...do it?
Cooking: A Powerful Tool for Mindfulness and Resilience
The concept of "mindfulness" is often misinterpreted or oversimplified. It's not just about meditating or achieving a state of relaxation. Neith...
Importance of self-care with high-stress
I work with the public; I have the opportunity to see people at very vulnerable times in their lives, and sometimes it isn't pretty and mostly emot...
Is playing Golf considered self-care?
Regarding self-care, most people think of spa days, yoga retreats, or indulging in a pint of ice cream. But what if we told you there's a fun and q...
What does it mean to relax?
To relax is to find balance.
The opposite of stress and tension, relaxation is a state of being that has the power to bring a sense of calm and tra...